SCA USA Business Chats: What's Happening in Brazil and Colombia?
Join us for the upcoming SCA USA Business Chat: What’s Happening in Brazil & Colombia? live Thursday, September 23rd, at 4 pm EDT.
Event Description: Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian, Northeast Regional Coordinator for the SCA USA Chapter and founder of JNP Coffee, hosts a panel of professionals from Brazil and Colombia, who will present and discuss research findings on the recent drought and frost in Brazil, and the impact on Brazilan Coffee Plantations, as well as the current challenges Colombia is facing. There will be time for Q&A with the audience, so come prepared with your questions!
Meeting ID: 929 7306 1553
Passcode: Business
Panel Bios & Additional Resources:
Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian
Founder of JNP Coffee and Burundi Friends International, Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian is a licensed Q. grader and dedicated supporter/advocate for women coffee farmers in her native Burundi, East Africa. Farmers produce high-scoring specialty coffee beans, earn premiums from JNP Coffee’s global sales and gain financial literacy. In 2019, the YWCA of Central Massachusetts recognized Jeanine with its Katharine F. Erskine Award for Business and Law for her support of women as community builders.
JNP Coffee | @jnpcoffee
Arthur Barros
Panelist, Brazil
From Brazil with love, Arthur is handling operations and administration of coffee production , knowing all process of the production from the farm and manufacturing to the exportation and wholesale.
Our Coffees INC, Our Coffees GmbH, Café Campos Altos Coffee Export |
Daniel Cifuentes Sierra
Panelist, Colombia
Daniel Cifuentes is Sr. Manager Sustainability for Farmer Bros. Co. During his five-and-a-half years at the company he has helped to develop new Direct Trade origins, implement a traceability system, deliver impact reports to customers and conduct field origin trips with key customers that have led to new sales.
Before his current role, Daniel worked in rural development for the coffee sector in his native Colombia, developing community wet mills, helping farmers to achieve certifications like Rainforest Alliance, and leading groups of field technicians. Daniel has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the National University of Colombia. In his spare time he loves to read, hike, ride his bike and be in nature with his son David and wife Carrie.
Farmer Brothers | @unalcol
Vanusia Nogueira
Panelist, Brazil
Vanusia holds a PhD in Administration/Marketing from Rosario National University in Argentina, a BS in a Systems Engineering and Administration from PUC-RJ and MBAs and post-MBA focusing on Management, Marketing and Advanced Project Management from FGV-RJ. She comes from a family of coffee producers, and was partner at PwC Consulting, where she worked for 15 years. She started working directly with coffee in 2002, always focusing on niche markets. She has worked at BSCA since 2007. In 2021, she was nominated as Brazil’s candidate for executive director of the International Coffee Organization.
BSCA | @bsca_specialtycoffee
João Marcelo de Aguiar
Panelist, Brazil
João Marcelo Aguiar is the Executive Superintendent of Procafe Foundation, one of the most respected Brazilian entities for research support which promotes the development and diffusion of new coffee technologies. Post-Graduated in Coffee Production and in Master Business Administration, he is a Coffee Market Analyst and a Q. Arabica Grader licensed by the CQI (Coffee Quality Institute) having been a sensory judge of several Brazilian Specialty Coffee Competitions. Currently he is also professor of Coffee Market at the University of Uberaba.
Procafe Foundation |
Carlos De Valdenebro
Panelist, Colombia
Carlos has over eleven years’ of experience in the coffee industry both at origin and importing countries. Among his roles, he has served as Country Manager for Colombia & Ecuador with Caravela before moving to the USA to lead their North American operation. Prior to that he worked as Branch Manager and Coffee Trader and Manager in Indonesia and Colombia for one of the largest international coffee traders of the world. Carlos has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from CESA in Colombia and a Master’s in Marketing and Sales Management from ESIC in Spain. He also sat for three years on the Board of Directors of ASOEXPORT, the Colombian coffee exporters trade association.
Caravela Coffee |