Baylee Engberg

Baylee Engberg is a Coast Salish Indigenous (Samish Nation) coffee roaster hailing from the Pacific Northwest. She is currently the Head Roaster and Green Buyer at Trailhead Coffee Roasters in Portland, Oregon. Recently elected, Baylee officially joined the Coffee Roasters Guild Leadership Council in 2021. Baylee is also the Director of Marketing & Engagement for #shestheroaster, a community for identifying women roasters, both prospective and professional, to network, educate, listen, and share. Through her years of volunteer work, she has been involved with GlitterCat, Leaderboard: The Coffee Game, Matchbook Coffee Project, and the Specialty Coffee Association. Though beginning her career in 2008 as a barista in the Greater Puget Sound region, Baylee has been roasting for the last six years. She has held many different roles and responsibilities within the specialty coffee industry including management, green buying, training, and production. Her efforts to diversify and strengthen the coffee community stem from her deep-rooted passion for helping others and for the love of coffee.